Best Wet Look Sealer for Slate

HGTV Slate Patio

Sealing slate is very different from sealing concrete. Slate has a smooth surface which makes it hard for coatings to pond too, and slate is very porous allowing for large amounts of moisture to pass through. If you apply a wet look acrylic sealer to concrete, there is roughly a 95% chance you will experience delamination.

If you want a wet look sealer for slate then you want a penetrating wet look sealer like the Armor WL550. The Armor WL550 is a water repellent sealer designed to slightly enhance the surface of the slate. You won’t get as dark of a wet look as you would with the use of an acrylic, but you will get a slight enhancement and you won’t have to worry about the sealer delaminating because it doesn’t leave behind a surface film.

Now, there are some cases where acrylic sealers have been successfully applied to slate, but with a failure rate of 95%, it is a risk. If you want to apply an acrylic wet look sealer the Armor AR350 or Armor AR500, you want to apply it to a test area first. It should be applied thin to a completely dry and unsealed surface.  I would also apply it with the expectation that it could delaminate and peel off and may need to be removed.

How To Apply a Wet Look Sealer to Slate

It is very easy to apply the Armor WL550 to slate. First, you want to make sure that the slate is clean and completely dry. If the surface was wet, allow it at least 24 hours to dry. If a sealer was previously applied to the slate you want to make sure that it has been completely removed, or that it is compatible with the Armor WL550. Apply two generous coats in accordance with application instructions and let dry.

Maintaining the Armor WL550 is very easy. It can be resealed at anytime, but most homeowners and contractors choose to reseal every 3-5 years. When it comes time to reseal the slate, you simply apply a fresh coat to clean and dry slate.